Show notes

Mastering Punctuality: Ensuring Podcast Guests Show Up On Time

In the world of podcasting, where schedules are tight and time is of the essence, one of the biggest challenges hosts face is ensuring that their guests show up on time and don’t forget about the recording. The frustration of waiting for a no-show can be disheartening, and missed opportunities can lead to a less-than-optimal podcasting experience. So, how can podcast hosts mitigate this issue and create a smoother recording process? Let’s explore some strategies.

Should I create show notes for my podcast guests?

Making show notes for your podcast guests is a really great way to show your professionalism and the best way to make sure that hosts and guests are all on the same page about the topics that you’re going to discuss. The time spent up front will be more than worth it. You can your guests will be better prepared and as a result, your podcast episode recording with run more smoothly and be better for your audience. Find out what you need to put in your show notes.